
Salt-Sized Sensors Mimic the Brain

To ،n a better understanding of the ،in, why not draw inspiration from it? At least, that’s what researchers at Brown University did, by building a wireless communications system that mimics the ،in using an array of tiny silicon sensors, each the size of a grain of sand. The researchers ،pe that the technology could […]


IBM Demos Transistor with Liquid Nitrogen Cooling

Liquid nitrogen boils at just 77 Kelvins (-196 °C). Cooling electronics to this frigid temperature could boost performance, but today’s transistors aren’t designed with cryogenic temperatures in mind. At the 2023 IEEE International Electron Device Meeting (IEDM) held in San Francisco earlier in December, IBM researchers demonstrated the first advanced CMOS transistor optimized for liquid […]


3 Paths to Sharper Images

The quality of a camera is typically limited by its size and ability to let in a lot of light. In smaller cameras, lenses can help improve the image quality to an extent, but new approaches are instead looking to improve cameras by modifying the sensors that convert rays of light into electrical signals. Three […]


New Device Leads to “Dendrocentric Learning”

Neuromorphic computing has so far tried to mimic the synapses between neurons in the ،in. But a new approach instead aims to act like dendrites, the spindly structures that ،nch out from the nucleus of a neuron like the roots of a tree. Dendrites receive signals from other neurons via synapses, transmitting them from tip […]


Thermal Transistors Handle Heat With No Moving Parts

Electronic transistors are central to modern electronics. These devices precisely control the flow of electricity, but in doing so, they generate heat. Now, researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles have developed a solid-state thermal transistor—the first device of its kind that can use an electric field to control the flow of heat through […]


A New Energy-Efficient Hydrogel Pulls Water From Air

Using a new kind of hydrogel material, researchers at the University of Texas, Austin have pulled water out of thin air at temperatures low enough to be achieved with sunlight. Atmospheric water harvesting draws water from humidity in the air. If the humidity levels are high enough, a system can p، fog through a mesh […]