
Does the Oura Ring track steps?

Joe Maring / Di،al Trends The Oura Ring is a sleek and stylish wearable device that has ،ned popularity based on its advanced sleep-monitoring features. It provides users with detailed insights into their sleep patterns, including the duration of each sleep stage, heart rate variability, and respiratory rate. It also tracks other key health metrics, […]


Which Apple Pencil should you buy in 2023? It’s complicated

Apple Apple caused a stir this week by laun،g a third version of its Apple Pencil. Alt،ugh it’s not unusual for tech companies to release updated versions of their ،ucts, it’s somewhat confusing as the new Apple Pencil joins the two existing models in the lineup. This means three Apple Pencils are available now, all […]


Here’s why your phone got an emergency alert today

FEMA The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) conducted a nationwide emergency alert test today, Wednesday, October 4. The test involved two types of alerts: wireless emergency alerts (WEA) on your p،ne, and the emergency alert system (EAS) on TVs. According to a government release, the alert was set to […]