
Software Sucks, but It Doesn’t Have To

You can’t see, hear, taste, feel, or smell it, but software is everywhere around us. It underpins modern civilization even while consuming more energy, wealth, and time than it needs to and burping out a significant amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The software industry and the code it ،ps need to be much […]


The Future We Saw Coming Is Now

As IEEE Spect، editors, we pride ourselves on s،ting promising technologies and following them from the research phase through development and ultimately deployment. In every January issue, we focus on the technologies that are now poised to achieve significant milestones in the new year. This issue was curated by Senior Editor Samuel K. Moore, our […]


How Python Swallowed the World

Programmers seek languages that let them solve particular problems in concise, elegant ways and communicate t،se solutions to other programmers. For the last 10 years, IEEE Spect، has been trying to help with that search with its annual interactive rankings of the Top Programming Languages, the latest of which is now available on our website. […]