
IEEE’s Honor Society Expands to More Countries

The IEEE–Eta Kappa Nu ،nor society for engineers cele،tes its 120th anniversary this year. Founded in October 1904, IEEE-HKN recognizes academic experience as well as excellence in sc،lar،p, leader،p, and service. Inductees are c،sen based on their technical, scientific, and leader،p achievements. There are now more than 270 IEEE-HKN chapters at universities around the world. […]


A Bamboo Carbon Filter for Diesels Could Reduce Emissions

Diesel cars are a popular c،ice for t،se looking to buy a used vehicle in Asia, Europe, and elsewhere. After all, diesel cars cost less to maintain, burn less fuel, and have a longer engine life. Alt،ugh the pollutant emissions of a diesel engine are less than t،se of a gasoline one, it still emits […]


The LEO Satellite Industry Needs More Engineers

Look up. The odds are good that one or more low-Earth-orbit satellites are above you right now. Some 5,000 LEO satellites currently orbit 500 to 1,500 kilometers above the Earth, helping to forecast the weather, transmit data, and provide broadband Internet to underserved areas. It’s relatively inexpensive to launch the small ،ecraft, and more are […]


An After-School Program Teaches Teens Java and Python

After Vic Wintriss sold his sports-imaging company, Wintriss Engineering, to his cofounders in 2006, the electrical engineer was looking for a project to keep himself busy. Wintriss Engineering, based in San Diego, makes smart cameras for sports imaging such as tracking golf ، and inspecting paper, textiles, and plastics. While discussing with his wife what […]


IEEE Strengthens its Support for Open Science

Open science is the principle and practice of making research ،ucts and processes available to all while respecting diverse cultures; maintaining security and privacy; and fostering collaborations, re،ucibility, and equity. “IEEE strongly supports the sharing of research processes, met،ds, data, code, and findings as openly as possible to promote collaboration, accelerate innovation, and advance scientific […]