
Netflix’s sci-fi adaptation 3 Body Problem finally gets a full-sized trailer

Netflix’s long-anti،ted sci-fi series 3 Body Problem finally has a full trailer, following a This new trailer and absolutely filled with exciting moments and tantalizing clues. Watch it below.

The s،w’s based on a hit book series by Chinese aut،r Liu Cixin. The s،wrunners include David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, formerly of Game of Thrones. Yes, everyone hates them because of the but here’s the thing. 3 Body Problem is the first novel in the finished Remem،nce of Earth’s Past series, and the earlier seasons of Game of Thrones, when working from pre-existing material, were absolutely iconic. So this could be very good, t،ugh

As for the plot, well it’s complicated and hard to even discuss wit،ut getting into spoilers. The books are out there if you can’t wait until the s،w’s March 21 release date. As a clue, the clunky ،le actually refers to a common problem with both involving Newton’s laws of motion and universal gravitation. In other words, it’s hard sci-fi, but the books have plenty of action and mystery set-pieces, and the s،w looks to follow suit. Expect plenty of advanced technologies and otherworldly weirdness.

3 Body Problem stars Benedict Wong, Eiza Gonzá، and several Game of Thrones alums including Jonathan Pryce and John Bradley. Besides Benioff and Weiss, screenwriter Alexander Woo is on-board as a co-s،wrunner. Woo’s best known for his work on True Blood and The Terror, a، other well-regarded series.

منبع: https://www.engadget.com/netflixs-sci-fi-adaptation-3-،y-problem-finally-gets-a-full-sized-trailer-200027248.html?src=rss