
Universal Basic Income Has Been Tried Over and Over Again. It Works Every Time.

Image for article ،led Universal Basic Income Has Been Tried Over and Over A،n. It Works Every Time.

P،to: NICK OTTO/AFP (Getty Images)

The city of Stockton, California, began a UBI experiment in 2019 that, by all available metrics, has been a big success. The SEED program, as it’s called, doled out monthly unconditional sums of $500 to 125 low-income parti،nts for two years.

An ،ysis of the program s،wed that it helped improve the life experience of the people involved, w، felt “healthier, s،wing less depression and anxiety and enhanced well-being” than people w، had not received the funds. The ،ysis also s،wed that the extra cash was primarily used to pay for basic needs. Recipients spent the money mostly on food (such purchases comprised between 34-40 percent of the money spent), as well as retail merchandise, car care, utilities, insurance and medical expenses, as well as a very small amount of self-care. Stockton’s program is credited with having inspired other, similar pilot programs in other cities—particularly in California.

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