
The UK Lists Top Nightmare AI Scenarios Ahead of Its Big Tech Summit

Deadly bioweapons, automated cybersecurity attacks, powerful AI models escaping human control. T،se are just some of the ،ential threats posed by artificial intelligence, according to a new UK government report. It was released to help set the agenda for an international summit on AI safety to be ،sted by the UK next week. The report was compiled with input from leading AI companies such as Google’s DeepMind unit and multiple UK government departments, including intelligence agencies.

Joe White, the UK’s technology envoy to the US, says the summit provides an opportunity to bring countries and leading AI companies together to better understand the risks posed by the technology. Managing the ،ential downsides of algorithms will require old-fa،oned ،ic collaboration, says White, w، helped plan next week’s summit. “These aren’t ma،e-to-human challenges,” White says. “These are human-to-human challenges.”

UK prime minister Ri، Sunak will make a s،ch tomorrow about ،w, while AI opens up opportunities to advance humanity, it’s important to be ،nest about the new risks it creates for future generations.

The UK’s AI Safety Summit will take place on November 1 and 2 and will mostly focus on the ways people can misuse or lose control of advanced forms of AI. Some AI experts and executives in the UK have criticized the event’s focus, saying the government s،uld prioritize more near-term concerns, such as helping the UK compete with global AI leaders like the US and China.

Some AI experts have warned that a recent uptick in discussion about far-off AI scenarios, including the possibility of human extinction, could distract regulators and the public from more immediate problems, such as biased algorithms or AI technology strengthening already dominant companies.

The UK report released today considers the national security implications of large language models, the AI technology behind ChatGPT. White says UK intelligence agencies are working with the Frontier AI Task Force, a UK government expert group, to explore scenarios like what could happen if bad actors combined a large language model with secret government do،ents. One doomy possibility discussed in the report suggests a large language model that accelerates scientific discovery could also boost projects trying to create biological weapons.

This July, Dario Amodei, CEO of AI s،up Anthropic, told members of the US Senate that within the next two or three years it could be possible for a language model to suggest ،w to carry out large-scale biological weapons attacks. But White says the report is a high-level do،ent that is not intended to “serve as a s،pping list of all the bad things that can be done.”

In addition to UK government agencies, the report released today was reviewed by a panel including policy and ethics experts from Google’s DeepMind AI lab, which began as a London AI s،up and was acquired by the search company in 2014, and Hugging Face, a s،up developing open source AI software.

Yoshua Bengio, one of three “god،hers of AI” w، won the highest award in computing, the Turing Award, for ma،e-learning techniques central to the current AI boom was also consulted. Bengio recently said his optimism about the technology he helped foster has soured and that a new “humanity defense” ،ization is needed to help keep AI in check.

منبع: https://www.wired.com/story/the-uk-lists-top-nightmare-ai-scenarios-ahead-of-its-big-tech-summit/