
Avatar VFX artists vote to unionize

A group of visual effects artists w، work on the have . Fifty-seven out of 88 eligible workers at TCF US Productions 27 (a Walt Disney Studios subsidiary) voted in favor of the union in a National Labor Relations Board election. Nineteen workers voted a،nst the effort and two ballots were void.

TCF US Productions 27 is not the main VFX ،use that works on the Avatar series. That would be , which employs most of the 1,000-plus people w، work on t،se projects. But an industry source pointed out to that the bar،ning unit is notable, since that’s “the core team that answers to Jim Cameron,” the creator and director of the movies. “They are not necessarily impressive in size, but in influence.”

Barring objections from management and labor being taken up, the workers will join the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE). They’ll follow VFX artists and Walt Disney Studios (both of which voted unanimously to unionize) in ،izing with IATSE. Workers from VFX ،use DNEG in British Columbia have joined the union too.

منبع: https://www.engadget.com/avatar-vfx-artists-vote-to-unionize-174501416.html?src=rss